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Brain Book: Unit1
LOBES of the Forebrain
Parietal Lobe (top middle part of your brain) gets information from your skin and gives you the feeling of TOUCH, including pain and temperature. It also helps you to understand where objects are in 3-D space! .
Occipital Lobe (back of your brain) gets information from your eyes and turns them into pictures, giving you the sense of SIGHT, or vision.
Temporal Lobe (sides of the brain, behind your ears) gets information from your ears and turns them into sounds, giving you the sense of HEARING. It also turns sounds into words, and lets you understand and speak languages.
Frontal Lobe (front of the brain, right behind your forehead) is the brain's mastermind. It receives information from all the other lobes and puts it together. The frontal lobe is also the Thinking Zone, where much of your conscious thoughts occur, including making decisions, understanding other people's behavior, making choices, and thinking about the future. It is the "CEO" of the brain.