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Brain Book: Unit3
How can you use this information in your life?
When you don't know very much about a subject, it can make you feel "dumb." Then you may feel like giving up. But this is only because you haven't built up the networks of connections in that area of your brain. If you work out your brain it will get stronger, just like your muscles do when you exercise them.
What can you do?
  • To exercise your brain, GET ACTIVE! Take charge, explore, and seek out information. Write an outline of main ideas. Try to explain the information to someone else. Create and solve problems for yourself.
  • USE REPETITION to give your neurons a workout! Just like when you exercise, it's repeating an action that really builds strength. By repeating information or a skill, you will strengthen the connections in that area of your brain. Read, write, say, or do anything important 5-10 times instead of once.
  • When something is hard, TRY HARDER! That's when you need to put in more effort to wire the new connections into your brain. So DON'T GIVE UP!