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entered by dahlia while in study planing as a brain master.

That was so amazing!! MY best day EVER!!! Not only did I rock on my Spanish presentation, but afterward Reggie said it was cool, and then at lunchtime he sat with me and Tonya!! Tonya said she thinks he REALLY likes me-and when it comes to boys I like, she can be kinda harsh. Anyway . . . okay, I'm supposed to say started this BrainMaster Challenge Quest I had my doubts that ANYTHING could help me with spanish. But not only did I do great on my spanish assignment, I even got better in math too. Iused to think that if you were smart things came easily to you, and studying didn't make a difference. Now I Know that it's all about what you put into it. I used my flash cards to memorize and quiz myself, listened to the Spanish TV programs, studied with friends, and all that really helped. But the main thing I think I learned is that I should never quit on myself-if I put in the effort I can do anything. (And also-that boys do like girls who study smart!)

Hola! and studying with friends

entered by dahlia while Unit 4: Brain Boosters

The visit to Dr. C's lab really helped today! Now I Know why I have trouble remembering the vocab from Spanish class-it's because all of the info is staying in my working memory and not making it into my long-term memory! All I have to do is think of ways to practice so my neurons will make those connections home after school today I'm going to make flashcards so that I can practice my Spanish on the bus, in my room, at my friend's house, ALL THE TIME!!! I was flipping through channels when I was watching TV last night, and guess what I found?! A TV channel that's all in Spanish! Hola! I figure if I watch some shows on that channel sometimes I might be able to learn even more vocab. DR. C also said to study with friends and make games out of whatever I'M trying to learn. Hmm... .WHO could I practice with?? well, there is a tall dark and hansome 7th grader in my Spanish class who would make a fun (and cute) study buddy! Maybe I'll ask Reggie if he wants to come over and study the difference between ser and estar!!

New stuff is helping

entered by dahlia while in unit 3: Brain Building

The list I made about Spanish class really helped. With my new positive attitude my heart doesn't beat a million times a minute when I go ti class (ok, so maybe it does, but that's only because Reggie is in the room!). Omigod! Guess what?!?!? I was a little late to class today, so when I got there the only seat left was next to Reggie. When I sat down he SMILED at me!! He has the cuuuutest dimples... so anyway, in the lab we found out that learning is a lot more that just sticking facts into your head. It actually makes the little cells in your brain grow! so from now when I'm practicing popping up and a bunch of new connections clicking in. If it makes little rat brains grow smarter, I know it can work for me!

Old & new thoughts

entered by dahlia while in unit 2: Brain Behavior

Buenas tardes! Dr. C is cool! Thanks to him I think I know why Spanish class makes me so nervous. It's not that I'm not smart enough to do well in the class, but that I don't have the right attitude-I'[m so worried about how I might mess up that it makes my brain send out those fear chemicals, and then it DOES make me mess up! Up til now, the only reason I want to go to class is I KNOW that Reggie will be there! But I'm going to try some of that self-talk stuff. here's my list of the old bad thoughts and the new good ones. OLD THOUGHT-- I just can't learn Spanish, it's too hard! NEW THOUGHT--Hey, I learned English, right? Spanish is just another language too. OLD THOUGHT--I'm going to look stupid! NEW THOUGHT--if I keep at it, I'll be able to interview Jlo in Spanish! OLD THOUGHT-Reggie Washington is soooooooo cute! NEW THOUGHT--Okay, some things DON'T change!

I'm starting to understand

entered by dahlia while in Unit 1: Brain Basics

I think I understand why I totally bombed my last math quiz. Dr. C says brain uses a lot of energy and needs a lot of sleep in order to work. I guess it wasn't the smartest idea to stay up the night before my math quiz to watch the nickelodeon Teen Choice Awards. Oh well, At least now I Know I need plenty of shut eye and breakfast before taking my next BIG test. I'm still buggin' about my Spanish class, I'm just not getting it! I get so nervous in class and can't understand anything that ms. brooks says. I really want to learn Spanish, but I'm afraid of saying something stupid. plus Reggie Washington (the HOTTEST guy in the 7th grade) is in my class. I can't look like a loser in front of him! Guess I'll have to try what Dr. C says and try to get that Spanish in through all my brain channels. Maybe if I write the words, read them out loud, draw pictures of cute Spanish boys . . . if it works to use ALL your senses, does eating arroz pollo help?

Sapnish & School

entered by dahlia while in the Introduction to Brainology

I just got back my first Spanish test and I messed up! I thought I would get at least a B but instead there it was-a D!! I never got anything below a C before on scholl. Junior high bites. if you can get smarter like Dr. Cerebrus says I hope that means in Spanish too! In other news, that boy who sits next to me in Spanish class is sooo cute! And today when Ms. Brooks asked him como esta usted he said: muy bien porque hay muchas chicas bonitas en la clase which I found out means there are a lot of pretty girls in the class and I think he looked at me!!! Anyway, at least things are going good in my other subjects and with my friends. My art teacher says she thinks I could maybe be an artist, and I could combine it with computers too which is the other thing I love to do besides hang with my friends. My new best friend this year is Tonya and she is so cool and nice to.. we tell each other everything!!

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My first A!!!

entered by chris while in study planning as a Brain Master

Aced my math test AND made the winning shot for the team this wek! Guess which one's a first? yeah, you got it, I can't front, it feels good to score OFF the court! Alright, I gotta hand it to Dr. C. about how important that strategy stuff is for math. I used my BRAIN and broke down the problems into steps, practiced by doing exercise, took notes and reviewed them, and I understood everything I was doing for the first time. And on the test I used my strategy to stay calm and go for it, and it paid off-that was the best I ever did on a math test. But I was thinking, when I play ball it's the same way. I'm always like, what can I do to make this play? Or in practice, what do I want to get better at? And then do it over and over. I never get down on my self about it, because I always Know I can get better. And now I know it's the same in school. So I guess that's the most important thing I learned from brainology-that math is not that different from basketball. It's all how you think about it, how much strategy you use, and how hard you work, in class or on the court.

Thinking strategy!

entered by chris while in Unit 4: Brain Boosters

If my brain gets any denser with all this learning I'm going to have to start doing neck exercises to hold my head up! Anyway, we found out about how memory works and all-and how you can chunk stuff together to remember more. Like if I wanted to remember titles of songs, I could group them together by the artist, and that way I could remember lots more of them. My brain would be kinda like an ipod It maks sense how you can't remember anything long-term unless you pay attention to it. on the D.L., a lot of times I don't pay attention in class, so maybe that's why I forget stuff. I thought that was cuz I just wasn't focusing and using good strategy, and lots of practice too, not just be tall or fast. so maybe it's the same in math. when I study fot the next test, I'm going to try thinking about how I can break down the equations into parts I can handle, and make sure I do lots of exercises, and see how they might help me get my "Tony Hawk" on!!

My New approach starting to pay off!

entered by chris while in Unit 3: Brain Building

My new strategic approach is starting to pay off. I had a math test and I used square breathing to chill with the easy ones. It was like a warmup--by the time I got to the hard ones my math neurons were firing and I felt good. lab was cool today-we learned about thye summer camp rats and how they did so much learning they got smarter. If I think about it, I could barely make a foul shot when I started playing ball...maybe math is something like that, I just need get some more practice in. Just like when I do suicide drills to build up my calves, I'll try some math exercises to pump up my brain. good thing my brain just gets denser instead of bigger! I'd hate to grow a bigger head and be off balance for backetball because of all this learning I'm doing!

Brain connections like basketball passes!

entered by chris while in Unit 2: Brain Behavior

WOW I'm an apprentice Who would have thought that the brain is made up of a network of so many nerve cells all passing signals around--like how a good basketball team passes the ball from one player to the next down the court, unit they get to the basket for a slam-dunk. Now scoring is something I can relate too! I have to start thinking of what I'm going to do and how I'm going to di it-cause you need strategy and a game plan in math just like in b-ball. That square breathing Thing sounds weird but I'm going to try it, next time I have a test to chill out. Like doing a sick backflip onto a special grind in Tony Hawk for mad points, I need to put my math moves together si I can score.

I'll try leaving video games for the weekends

entered by chris while in Unit 1: Brain Basics

Dr. C. must've been talking to my parents, it was like he knew I stay up late playing my games. I start playing and then I forget what time it is. Maybe that's why I feel tired all the time this year. I fell asleep in math class 3 times this week! And my math teacher already told me I might not pass.. .. When I'm getting up early for school, I'm always in a mad rush! I wonder if M&M peanuts are brain food, after all, there's a nut inside each M&M. . . anyway, I might have to try playing video games only on the weekends after what Dr. C said so I can get some sleep-outside of class! My body just doesn't want to get up early-except if I'm going to go with my boys to play on the court, then it's no problem! Also maybe I need to try turning off the game when I'm doing my homework if it's giving me brain static I really have to pass this class.

About Me

entered by chris while in the Introduction to Brainology

What's up all? My name's chris, I can't wait for basketball to start. I'm a right-guard and have a chance to join the modified team this year! My summer was like one gaint pick-up game of hoops. I wonder if I'm ready to play at the Rucker park yet... maybe get sponsored? with a strict regimen of pizza and milk to help me grow, nothing's more fun than full court action. I like tons of different music depending on the song, but I have to give the most props to hiphop beats that they play on the courts. I know I have to do well in school to stay on the team, but I'm not looking forward to this year's math class. I heard it was crazy hard! I just don't think I'm a math person. I don't know what I'm going to do. But, Dr. C. says make my brain smarter. . . It can't be as hard as playing 'Tony Hawlks II'-now that's what I'm good at!

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